Selasa, 31 Maret 2015

The Way to write script CSS & HTML & PHP

PHP script in HTML

<title>Sample PHP insert into HTML</title> </head>
<h1>Hello </h1>

echo "Good Night";
//sample PHP comment

<p>I'm learning PHP Now</p>

HTML script in PHP

echo "<html>";    
echo "<head>";    
echo "<title>Contoh PHP disisipkan dalam HTML</title>";   
echo "</head>";
echo "<body>";
echo "<h1>Hello </h1>";
echo "Selamat malam"; //Ini contoh komentar php    
echo "<p align=\"center\">Saya sedang belajar PHP</p>";   
echo "</body>";    
echo "</html>";

Link to external CSS file in PHP

echo "<html>";    
echo "<head>";    
echo "<title>Contoh PHP disisipkan dalam HTML</title>";
echo "<link href=\"namafile.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" />";  
echo "</head>";    
echo "<body>";    
echo "<h1>Hello </h1>";    
echo "Selamat malam"; //Ini contoh komentar php    
echo "<p align=\"center\">I'm learning PHP</p>";    
echo "</body>";    
echo "</html>";

CSS script in PHP

echo "<html>";    
echo "<head>";    
echo "<title>Contoh PHP disisipkan dalam HTML</title>";
echo "<style type=\"text/css\">";
echo ".contohcss1 { text-align:center; }";
echo ".contohcss2 { text-align:left; }";
echo "</style>";    

echo "</head>";    
echo "<body>";    
echo "<h1>Helllo </h1>";    
echo "Selamat malam"; //Ini contoh komentar php    
echo "<p align=\"center\">Saya sedang belajar di blog</p>";    
echo "</body>";    
echo "</html>";


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