Selasa, 14 Oktober 2014

Cara Menghilangkan tulisan older post, Beranda, newer post

  1. Masuk ke akun blogger kita masing-masing.
  2. Klik fitur rancangan (Template).
  3. Klik Edit HTML dan Lanjutkan
  4. Klik expand template widget.
Letakkan script berikut tepat di atas ]]></b:skin>
#blog-pager-newer-link, #blog-pager-older-link, #blog-pager {display:none;}
Klik simpan dan selesai.

How to automatically redirect Blogger blog to another blog or website

How to automatically redirect Blogger blog to another blog or website or URLA few posts back we made an article about Blogger custom redirects in which you can redirect within your blog. That is you can redirect your specific post URL to another post or page, all 301 or 302 redirection within your blog. That will be useful for redirecting 404 error pages and broken links; however with that you cannot redirect homepage to any particular URL. Here we will show you how to automatically redirect Blogger blog to another blog or website or any URL. So with this technique you can redirect your Blogger Homepage or any particular page to external websites.

When to use this?

This one will be useful if you have just migrated to new domain with new blogging platform. You are always limited in Blogger that’s why people moving to self-hosted wordpress blogs. Usually you won’t get much traffic to your new blog when you just shifted. Also your old blog will have some decent traffic flow from organic search results as well as from backlinks. So by using this method you can drive traffic from your old blog to your new blog and also it passes all the ranking factors.

How to redirect Blogger blog to another blog / URL / Website

Here we will share three different codes that automatically redirect Blogger blog to another blog or URL and each code does different tasks.
Let’s say you want to redirect your complete Blogger blog to another page or URL. That is redirecting your homepage, posts page, archives page and all other URL in your blog to another specified external website. You have to use this if you just moved to new domain. To do this you are going to make changes to your template file. So before you mess up with the codes it’s recommended that you backup your template first.
  1. Login to your Blogger dashboard
  2. Go to template and click edit HTML
  3. Now you can see template codes. Press CTRL + f and then find <head>
  4. Now add the following code below head tag like you see in the image below.
How to redirect Blogger blog to another blog or URL
Redirecting Blogger blog to another new blog
<script type='text/javascript'>
  var d='<data:blog.url/>';
  d=d.replace(/.*\/\/[^\/]*/, '');
  location.href = '';
In the above code change which is the destination URL. Now all your pages from the blog will be redirected to destination URL.
Now we will see another piece of code that redirects particular blog URL to another blog or website. If you wish not to redirect the whole blog then you have to make use of this code. Also you can use this for redirecting user from a particular page to another external website for promotional purpose.
To do this just paste the following code below head tag and change the from URL that is and destination URL that is
if(window.location.href == ' ')
The above code just redirects user from the specified BlogSpot URL to another website or URL.
Here comes another code; with this you can redirect all your blog pages including home page to another blog or website with specific set time. So users who lands in your blog will be automatically redirected to anther blog after a specific time period.
<meta content='5;url=' http-equiv='refresh'/>
This is the code, just copy and paste below the head tag in your template file. In the above code 5 is the set time where users will redirected to in 5 seconds after landing.
Hope this article guided you on how to automatically redirect Blogger blog to another blog / website or URL. Share this and if you found it useful then please leave your comments. To get more update from Blog Time Now subscribe to our RSS feeds.


Cara Menghilangkan Judul Posting Blogger

  1. Masuk ke akun blogger kita masing-masing.
  2. Klik fitur rancangan (Template).
  3. Klik Edit HTML dan Lanjutkan
  4. Klik expand template widget.
Letakkan script berikut tepat di atas ]]></b:skin> {display:none;}
Klik simpan dan selesai.

Menghilangkan Posted By pada blogger

Di bagian bawah postingan (Di bagian footer postingan), sobat blogger pasti melihat sebuah coretan yang bertuliskan Diposkan oleh atau Posted by. Coretan tersebut merupakan bawaan default dari template blogger yang kita gunakan. Coba sobat blogger cek dulu, apakah tulisan "Posted by" atau "Diposkan oleh" ada di blog sobat? Kalau tulisan "Diposkan oleh" ada di blog sobat, apa yang ingin sobat blogger lakukan terhadap tulisan itu? Apakah sobat blogger ingin menghilangkan tulisan "Diposkan Oleh"? Atau sobat blogger ingin mengganti tulisan "Diposkan oleh" menjadi kalimat yang enak di dengar, misalnya "Di tulis oleh" atau "Penulis : "? Kalau seperti itu, berarti sobat blogger sedang membaca postingan yang tepat karena postingan yang sobat blogger baca kali ini akan membahas tentang cara menghilangkan tulisan Diposkan oleh dan Cara mengganti tulisan diposkan oleh.


Cara Menghapus Tulisan Diposkan Oleh Atau Posted By

  1. Sign In di
  2. Pada Menu Drop Down pilih Layout
  3. 1
  4. Kemudian klik link Edit yang berada dibagian Blog Posts.
  5. Sobat blogger tinggal menghilangkan tanda centang pada kotak Posted by atau Diposkan Oleh
  6. 2
  7. Terakhir, klik save
  8. Buka blog sobat untuk melihat hasilnya.

Cara Mengganti Tulisan Diposkan Oleh Atau Posted By

Untuk mengganti tulisan diposkan oleh, sama seperti proses di atas, teks yang bertuliskan Posted By tinggal sobat ganti menjadi teks yang sobat blogger inginkan...

Haaaa...ha.. Sangat mudah kan? Ternyata untuk menghapus atau mengganti tulisan Diposkan oleh/Posted By tidak perlu edit template.

Berarti apa-apa saja yang bisa sobat blogger lakukan di bagian Page Post Options?
Yang bisa sobat blogger lakukan di bagian Page Post Options adalah :
  1. Menghilangkan tanggal atau waktu postingan di atas judul postingan
  2. menghilangkan tanggal atau waktu postingan di posting Footer
  3. Menghilangkan kolom komentar
  4. Menghilangkan tulisan Links to this post (Link ke post ini)
  5. Menghilangkan reaksi (Reaction)
  6. Menghilangkan ikon Quick Editing
  7. Menghilangkan link atau tulisan Email post Links
  8. Menghilangkan Share Button

Senin, 06 Oktober 2014

Host webpages with Google Drive

With Google Drive, you can make web resources — like HTML, CSS, and Javascript files — viewable as a website.
To host a webpage with Drive:
  1. Open Drive at and select a file.
  2. Click the Share button at the top of the page.
  3. Click Advanced in the bottom right corner of the sharing box.
  4. Click Change....
  5. Choose On - Public on the web and click Save.
  6. Before closing the sharing box, copy the document ID from the URL in the field below "Link to share". The document ID is a string of uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers between backslashes in the URL.
  7. Share the URL that looks like "[doc id] where [doc id] is replaced by the document ID you copied in step 6.
Anyone can now view your webpage.
Google Drive does not support web resources that make use of server-side scripting languages like PHP.

Kamis, 02 Oktober 2014

Best Autosurf Exchanges

HitLeap * .7 Set the visit length and hits per hour for every URL. Optionally change or hide the HTTP referer.
247AutoHits 30 .5 Convert credits to banner and text link views. 50% cash commissions for upgraded members.
Twistrix * .6 Custom timers, option to hide the HTTP referer.
* .75 Custom timer and hits per hour, referral rewards, banner exchange. Can convert minutes to cash.
eBesucher 15 .8 German site with lots of members, fast delivery, and geotargeting. Can sell credits for cash.
Otohits * 1 Custom timer and HTTP referer, site categories.
Bonus-Hits 20 .6 Banner and text ad exchanges. Affordable upgrades. Pays $0.1 per referral.
SmileyTraffic 20 .5 Over 170k members, stable surfbar.
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Ablaze With
20 .75 Banner and text link advertising, surfing bonuses. No login needed to start surfing.
GlobalBlaster 10 .5* Conversion to banner and text link impressions, progressive ratio, no login required to surf.
AutoSurfMyth 8 .5 Instant surf URL, conversion to banner credits. Clean sites in rotation.
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BreedTraffic 15 .6 Surf without logging in. Daily bonuses. * .5 Russian autosurf with huge membership, custom HTTP referers, and dedicated surfing software. * .5 Russian autosurf with custom HTTP referers, 5 referral levels, and dedicated surfing software. * .5 Russian autosurf with custom HTTP referers, geotargeting, and a surfing program. * .5 Russian autosurf with custom HTTP referers, 5 referral levels, and dedicated surfing software.
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24besucher 10 .7 German autosurf with credit to cash conversion.
AutoVisitor 20 .5 German autosurf with a large signup bonus. 10 .7 German autosurf, sends hits fast.
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ABCVisiteurs 15 .7 French autosurf with framebreaker protection. 10 .7 German traffic exchange with 8 referral levels. 20 .8 Slovak autosurf with good traffic delivery. 20 .8 Polish autosurf with no-login surfbar.
Visit to find out how to use traffic exchange hits more effectively, protect your computer from malware, and set up your browser for stable 24/7 autosurfing. We have a list of the best traffic exchanges online and tips for monetizing all that traffic.

So Damn Simple Blogger Template

This is the most simple blogger temple ever.
go to html template, copas the script below:

         <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>

        <meta content='' name='description'/>
        <meta content='' name='keywords'/>
        <script src=''/>



<div id='wrapper'>
<b:section id='main' showaddelement='yes'>
<b:widget id='Blog1' locked='false' title='Blog Posts' type='Blog'/>


So damn simple. Enjoy blogging.

Rabu, 01 Oktober 2014

Membuat hyperlink yang membuka halaman website pada tab baru

Untuk membuat hyperlink yang jika diklik, akan membuka halaman website pada tab baru dengan menambahkan target="_blank" pada href.


<a href="YourLinkUrl" target="_blank">anchor text</a>
demikian, smoga bermanfaat.