Senin, 21 Januari 2013

Pasang Al-Quran di blog

         hai sobat,ayo di baca al qur an nya ya.... kali ini blog ini menyediakan Al-Quran onlin buat semua ni..
mau baca?? ayo apa lagi kalau lagi rahmadan banyak deh pahalanya...(amin)
cara bikinya ada di bawah..

cara buatnya:

gampang kok....

cuma paste scrip ini aja...
trus masukin ke postingan HTML.....

<iframe src=""style="border:0px;width:400px;height:400px" frameborder="0"></iframe>

 untuk menganti ukuran...
ganti width untuk lebarnya,mau berapa px??
ganti height untuk tingginya,mau barpa px??


Jumat, 18 Januari 2013

How To Enable Downloads And Uploads With JAVA Apps On MicroEmulator

JSR-75 configuration to access files on Microemulator Java applications.
JAVA JSR75 Previously about , but I think something is missing in the use of Internet applications such as without any file access features such as download and upload files and save the page. This feature actually do exist in the applications installed on your device, but in microemulator to enable this feature there are special tricks to be able to function in accessing files on the computer. What kind of trick, see more below.
Today java applications for the internet browser already supports the use of JSR-75 to access files on the phone, meaning that JAVA applications can process the data / files such as downloading files on the Internet or download the file and store it in memory storage.
But for use in Microemulator for file access functions with JSR-75 can run any special tricks, such as what the trick following steps;
* Open the Applications MicroEmulator
If you do not already have this application you can download it directly on the official website.
You can download the latest release version MicroEmulator (latest version has reached version 2.0.4).
save the file downloads in the form. Zip and you can extract the specific folder you wish. But I suggest you put the extracted files earlier in the Program Files folder C: / Program Files/microemulator-2.0.4 to be easy and not messy.
  • Download the Java Application That will be used
    For the java application I recommend to download a file that form. Jar and. Jad too.
For those who do not have, please Download here.
  • Save the file. Jar and. Jad apps folder MicroEmulator
    C: / Program Files/microemulator-2.0.4/apps
Now we start to configure, do as follows;
  1. Because this MicroEmulator application extension. Jar so make sure you already have a JRE or Java Runtime, if no please go to to download the latest version. And make this JRE as the default for opening the extension. Jar
  2. Run MicroEmulator. Jar
  3. To measure this MicroEmulator application window screen can change to change, how to open the application, after the windows screen appears click the menu "Options" then "Select Device", click "Add", enter the apps folder "C: / Program Files / microemulator -2.0.3/devices "select" microemu-device-resizable.jar "
  4. Select "Resizable device" and then "Set as default" and then "OK"
    Now this MicroEmulator application window you can set as you like by dragging the side or corner of the window. Or click "Resize" and enter the screen size you want and click "Ok".
  5. Up here you can open by default JAVA applications by clicking "File", "Open MidletFile" and select the file. Jar that you save.
In order for this MicroEmulator can access files that supports the JSR-75, which needs to be done as follows;
  • Create a Shortcut to microemulator. Jar on your desktop
  • Right-click the shortcut was then choose "properties", click the tab "shortcut" in the field "Target" replace with the following targets;
C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ java.exe-cp microemulator.jar; lib/microemu-jsr-75.jar org.microemu.cldc.file.FileSystem org.microemu.examples.fcview-impl . FCViewMIDlet apps \ java_apps.jad
(Note; java_apps is a java application that you keep the extension. Jad only and be sure to JAVA applications between. Jar and. Jad to be the same)
  • Beyond config2.xml you need to edit the apps folder default location on
C: / Documents and Settings/username_anda/.microemulator/config2.xml, open the last file in a text editor or Notepad.
  • enter the following code before the code </ config>
<className> org.microemu.cldc.file.FileSystem </ className>
<property VALUE="C:\" NAME="fsRoot"/>
</ Properties>
</ Extension>
</ Extensions>
  • Then click save or save the file earlier config2.xml
  • Now the shortcut should now be able to function, click 2x to try to open the shortcut you created.
  • Will appear a DOS window screen accompanied by the display window MicroEmulator JAVA applications that you have set previously.
  • If you need to use proxy for browsing that you like, edit the back config2.xml earlier and fill in the following code;
<system-properties> <system-property name = "http.proxyHost"
<value=""> </ system-property>
<System-property <name="http.proxyPort" value="8080"> </ system-
<System-<property name="http.nonProxyHosts" value="localhost">
</ System-property> </ system-properties>
</ Config>
    Note: Replace with your proxy and 8080 with the proxy port you use.
  • Applications Now you can use, and if you need to create a shortcut for other applications that fit your taste.
Okay, good luck,,,,
